Industrial Brands Distributor
Obsolete Distributor - Components, Rare Equipment Parts Houston
PE-Energy is the leading and certified electronic components distributor in Texas. Buy obsolete parts, rare equipment, components at low prices.
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#202 MOLY-LITH 1 lb Can
Excellent for rack/pinion grease cups, drive shaft idler arm and ball joints. Specifically formulated to protect your equipment from premature damages that can occur from dirt, dust, and sediments. The high soap content builds a shield between the bearing surfaces and the external elements.
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Jet-Lube Items Listings | PE Energy
Jet-Lube is a manufacturer of anti-seize compounds, thread sealants, thread compounds, greases and specialty lubricants.
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About Us
PE Energy is your premium source for procuring and shipping high quality parts and equipment both domestically and globally. Whether you are in the Oil & Gas, Construction, Industrial, Machining, or in a niche industry, we will acquire products as per, your request through established relationships with manufacturers.
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Ringers Gloves - Wholesale Distributors in Texas
Ringers Gloves is well know in manufacturing task-specific safety gloves for applications that demand extreme reliability.
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